What is Faked Reality?

In 2003 a joint venture was formed between Realspace Technologies OEG (www.realspace.org) and Speckdrumm, (www.speckdrumm.org) in order to produce a new next generation game engine, which is going to be fully open sourced. The project received the tentative title "FakedReality", and is based on the code that was developed for the commercial Aeolus engine from Realspace Technologies.

This was also done in order to produce a freeware game called "Mogui" for a university project, certain key members of Realspace Technologies and Speckdrumm must finish by June 2003, which is based on FakedReality.

While many open source 3D game engines exist already, FakedReality follows a different paradigm, of providing an easy to use toolset to produce games without requiring much hardcore C++ coding, while providing the latest features. One could say FakedReality directly competes with technologies like Unreal Warfare, or Doom 3 engines.

FakedReality, (FR) in its current incarnation is realized on a highly modular component based architecture, which allows to extend the main engine core with plugin modules very easily. In fact almost 90% of the engines functionality is implemented as a series of plugins.

To achieve this a COM like system was developed, which allows to use components from different modules with ease.

To achieve shader independent art asset management and easy shader usage, we invented the FlexShader System which is based on Realspace Technologies OEG Technology. We target only shader capapable hardware, so only GeForce3/ATI Radeon 8500 and above are supported.

Release 1.0 Planned Features -Release Date:June 2003

· Highly modular architecture.
· Built in game editor.
· Scripting based on LUA.
· Engine Configuration based on XML.
· DirectX9 based renderer, with support for the latest shader technologies.
· FlexShaderä system, which provides a unique shader based technology, allowing programmers to produce new rendering effects with ease, and use the latest VS2.0x,PS2.0x shader technologies.
· Example shaders include, ture per pixel lighting, shadow mapping, diffuse/specular bump mapping, grass rendering and more.
· NVIDIA CG support.
· Sound support based on FMOD.
· Content plugins for popular applications such as 3DSMAX5 and MAYA 5.
· Open Data Framework, which allows to store all data in a variety of file formats including binary, XML, and compressed binary.
· Easily extendible through custom .DLL plugins.
· Portable, although we do not provide a Linux version in the June 2003 timeframe, the engine itself is highly portable, the Core already builds on LINUX, and only a OpenGL 1.4 or OpenGL2.0 renderer needs to be implemented for full Linux support.

Most programs, can be easily created with XML configuration and LUA script code, more
elaborate extensions require C++ .DLL plugins.

The engine is based on the following popular technologies:

· Boost
· DirectX9
· OpenGL

The engine currently compiles and builds on Win32 using Microsoft Visual C++ 7.0, (MSVC1300) Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1, (MSVC1310) and Intel C++ 7.0.

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Faked Reality 2003 by Realspace Technologiesä & Speckdrumm.
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